The architecture of BoundaryNet (top) and various sub-components (bottom).
The variable-sized H×W input image is processed by Mask-CNN (MCNN)
which predicts a region mask estimate and an associated region class.
The mask’s boundary is determined using a contourization procedure (light
brown) applied on the estimate from MCNN. M boundary points are sampled
on the boundary. A graph is constructed with the points as nodes and
edge connectivity defined by 6 k-hop neighborhoods of each point. The spatial
coordinates of a boundary point location p = (x, y) and corresponding back-
bone skip attention features from MCNN f^r are used as node features for the
boundary point. The feature-augmented contour graph G = (F, A) is iteratively
processed by Anchor GCN to obtain the final output contour points
defining the region boundary.
Comment: Features an intuitive Annotation GUI, a graphical analytics dashboard and interfaces with machine-learning based intelligent modules for Historical Documents Annotation.